Questions Asked on the 1850 Census

- Name, age, sex and color of every person in the household
- Occupation of each person over age 15
- Value of real estate owned
- Place of birth of each person
- Was the person married within the year
- Did the person attend school within the year
- Can the person read and write. (only if over age 20)
- Is the person deaf, dumb, blind, insane, idiotic, a pauper or convict
The 1850 census is the first Federal census which lists each individual by their name.
Census Tip: Finding your ancestors is much easier beginning with the 1850 census due to the listing of the names of all family members and their exact ages. You will learn more about your ancestors in the 1850 census than any Federal census recorded previously. Once you find your ancestors in this census, it may be easier to work backwards to earlier censuses as you can compare them with this one, making it easier to identify individuals. Beginning with this census, you can learn the occupation or profession of your ancestors easily. This census also included mortality schedules which listed every person who died within the year by name and gave the reason for death. Slave schedules listed slave owner's names along with the number of slaves owned.